Labor Order Management

SaaS / Web App / Labor Operations

  • Client: Eagle Management Group
  • What we did:  Custom SaaS Operations Management Web App


Due to the nature of Eagle Management's operations, employees are distributed throughout the United States. These employees serve in a variety of roles and require diverse informational needs. As a company, the information that Eagle requires is very specific to its work processes. Thus, a general, off-the-shelf piece of software -- even if it allows customization was not a good fit.

Project Goals

  • Match the information and timing to Eagle's workflow
  • Group the information by employee role
  • Provide role based dashboards to increase operational productivity
  • Allow 24/7 information access from any U.S. location
  • Track related documents to Orders and Shows (Spreadsheets, Drawings, etc.)
  • Integrate the information to Eagle's accounting system

Our Solution

Cyberwolf Software designed and built a database and front-end web application that leveraged Eagle Management's business processes and industry expertise. Cyberwolf Software had designed and built the original database and desktop application back in 1999. This redesign eliminated many of the obstacles and barriers that were encountered in the original application.


The solution is very scalable; thus, Eagle Management has been able to add employees that directly impact both the top and bottom lines without having to add additional administrative overhead. Because it's a SaaS solution, Eagle Management did not have to come up with a capital expense budget nor take the risk in developing the application. Eagle Management traded an uncertain capital expenditure for a known operational expense.

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